Thursday, March 13, 2008

backAGAIN (:

good morning.
well, let's just say i've got the sudden urge of wanting to blog ,so here i am.
my old blog's gone and now i've registered for a new one.
man, just when you thought taking exams is hard, thinking of a blog name's very very HARD.
and ya i mean it, two 'very(s)'.

been working at ESPRIT (bugis) for a couple of months now.
haha. colleagues are WONDERFUL and the environment's great.
i'v never known a workplace could be oh so fun (:
the hippy music they play, the night sessions of singing and break dances (we did try ) when shop closes, grumblng about customers in the storeroom etc.
retail's a good place to work really, but of course just for short-term.
now laughing's become one of my favourite hobbies. :D

and i've always known from day one that the store has CCTVs installed, but i've never bothered to look out for them.
haha almost EVERY single time i enter the store room to get stocks etc, i dance. ( i think i move reasonably well to consider these moves, dance :D )
you can't blame me for that. there's space, there's music and naturally, there's dance.
and never would i've known that i've danced infront of a HIDDEN CCTV since day one.
NEVER HAD i known.
arghh. that makes me irritated. i'm being watched. ( yes, do watch me if i'm that pretty, but you're over-watching ).
my manager's been watching my dances from day one and these tapes went up to the headquarters. well done charlotte, a job well done. (:
and recently i received a report from singapore's ESPRIT head, saying i dance well.
that's when i went, shit shit shit.
and then she asked about my injury and that was even shit-tier.
there was once when i danced and turned and danced and turned, lost balance and my body was flung towards a metal ladder and i went crashing down.
and i THOUGHT nobody was watching.
right, so she's seen it.
but actually, the "CHARLOTTE FALLING" video has been circling about other stores too.
when i went to raffles ESPRIT today with my mum, the cashier asked me, are you charlotte LOPEZ? ( that's what i call myself :D)

thanks ESPRIT, you can now turn into an advertising company.

haha but it was funny still.
working career's ending next wednesday.
am resigning.
will miss them terribly.

alright, gotta stop.
its 2am in the morning and i'm meeting khaki tomorrow morning for mac breakfast.
though i bet he'll be late, haha i'll be even later.
afternoon's time belongs solely to desiree ng, the starHUBBER staff.
and evening, sports sports sports time again.
i need my sleep.


will probably put up a clip of my "falling onto ladder" some time soon.
when i get HOLD OF IT.

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