just got back from a pre-birthday celebration for jasmine :)
the proper one's when lanyan and the rest of the clique comes together.
gonna just do up this post.
less of these black prints and more of the coloured visuals yes.


shopped a lil before meeting the rest at clarke quay.

tried out this stupid machine for the fun of it.
machine was loser-ish.

tell me why i need so many copies of these?

G-Max Reverse Bungy

SUPPOSED to snap the capsule they sat in but they left me snapping the dust they left behind.

wouldn't make a difference if i stood there right?

crystal's was red.



and pose

and pose

the famous TURKISH ice-cream.
the guy's superbly amusing.
playing with the kids with the ice cream.
probably he hated josiah, so he can't be bothered to show his tricks.

dare no. 1: wave to passerbys

dare no. 2:be and aeroplane and go around the bar going WHOOSH WHOOSH.

andrew's dare no.1 : point at the tv screen while everyone watches.
rocking chair.
granny, i'll give you a massage.
DEAL OR NO DEAL girl no. 5 charlotte wong,
brings you the flat-screen tv.
sad case i know.
and URGH i'm beat.
ciao peeps.
another dare for josiah:
wacky him, drunk crystal, drunk andrew and boring me.
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