29th august 2008,friday.
goodbye warmth, hello cold.
met up with lanny and edward for pool, billiard and whatever.
but actually maybe we were playing edward-billiard?
everything was like his rules his rules. :D

lanyan came by for dinner and helped me pack up my remaining stuff.
by the way, lanyan's arm is the hot topic now in facebook.

joanne then came bit later from school for dinner

we watched hilarious shows that i recorded and laughed like crap while waiting for food.


was REALLY glad that i had these 2 over to numb the pre-departure syndrome.

actually my mum wants to use that ladle to hit lanyan.
she hates lanyan.

joanne and her auntywong.
they totally act like long lost sisters.

oops my mum in her towel scolding me for dancing.

that's where we became a little TOO quiet.
dont know what they were thinking.
but i was thinking, [ this is it ]

goodbye to the favourite daddy ):
i seriously miss him now.

cute huh (:

checking in

i think lanyan's making fun of my mum.

the kind of present that comes along with a 'open on the plane' rule.

same goes for LANNY's present.
thereafter we went up to popeyes where my class, secondary schmates,netballers and random peeps were.

come kiss kiss.

haha my smiles are so goofy.

jasmine and desiree

sarah and joohui

evolution of charlotte wong.

my TWIN, samuel lee si yang.
haha thanks for rushing down from army camp.
though you had to rush back.
rest assured i'll keep my promise. :)

this REALLY COOL GIFT from jasmine,joohui,sarah and desiree gang.
a jacket with my name hand-sewn on!
awww (: thanks sarah for spending your sleeping time on this.
i heart you!

yating! my fellow bishan-er.
coming london too in 2 years yes?
thanks for WALLET! (:

that's crystal lam(LAMB).

that's evan at the back.
he too rushed down by CAB.
so touched. (:
thanks evan!

joanne touching my breast,NOT.
in red is jinxing (:
he's gonna be faster than bolt for london 2012.

i dont know but there's a contradiction between yating's face and my twin's face.
he's so happy but look at yating, ANGRY AT WHAT?
jinxing only cares about his food.
only joanne and crystal care to look at the camera
wassup with lanyan's scary face.

that's max!
thanks for the death cab for cutie song you sang!
guitar skills, ADD MORE OIL.
no photos with the class cause we were too busy talking away.

jasmine playing with twin's beret.
and the wear the beret activity sparked off.

after 2 hours of chatting therapy with the world up in popeyes,
sad to say,
it was time to go.

KAIQING's the on the left! (:
many thanks for rushing down from school!

twin had to go off back to camp. ):

jinxing the sexy sprinter (:


awww, lanny dont cry please ):
you're triggering kaiqing's waterfall too.


that's josiah, the pilot-to-be and andrew behind.
thanks for rushing down from camp too pilot.
i know you're gonna miss me, but good luck her yes (:
andrew, go get a gf quick. you're ageing.

my 3 bodyguards, with james at the centre.
he thinks he's holy or something.
good luck with your girl problem (:

my favourite class of people! (:
thanks for the army ones who rushed down and those who had school too.
my gang of nonsense in secondary school.
the sexy and fit netballers, you'll be badly missed.
off i go! and yikes, like market aunty or something.
look at my mouth and stance.
tsk tsk.
anyway, my bag was like DAMN FULL and HEAVY.
overflowing with thoughtful gifts from all.
yes i'm sorry to those that felt sad,teared and cried.
but i'm sure our friendship will soon hit another milestone.
distance doesn't matter, what matters is our strength to keep our friendship going.
i'm really touched and elated to have so many to send me off.
so many to take time off to have meet-ups with me for the past months i've been counting down to this date.
you've all been such sweethearts to compromise for me and i'll really miss each and everyone of you.
the laughters,fun and joy i'll never forget.
this little red dot holds so much wonderful memories and i guess it's time to move my butt over to this strange land for more experiences and hopefully have some fun.
i'm really sad to be leaving you bunch of happy people behind.
i do feel like i'll be cut off from you lot once i depart.
my parents i'm worried obviously so somebody out there, a kind soul, visit these 2 oldies please! (:
right, less words.
i'm gonna go on and on.
i just wanna thank all of you wonderful friends i've made.
do take care and keep in contact! (:
hello to the cold weather and updates soon on the alien country of england.