here's the TWILIGHT saga.

this 4 book series totally rocked my organs out. :)
stunning and brilliant.
teared a lil for one of the books.
and finally the last book is out on 4th august, TODAY.
pre-ordered it at borders, BREAKING DAWN.
collected it immediately after i went for my early swim and am enjoying my read over it now.
really, harry potter's good. this, IS GOOD as well.
some may say this is even better.
some may say otherwise.
but really, it's worth a read.
people like KAIQING will definitely like. (:
victims of twilight saga:
sarah ong
max foo
joanne xiao
soon to be victims of twilight saga:
desiree wong
desiree ng
do get it and read just in time for the movie release end of the year okay!
KAIQING you are to READ IT.
i dont know why but i associate this book to the likes of you.
twilight movie will be out on 12th december.
the female lead's pretty and male's charismatic.
it may even ring a bell by telling you that the male lead's the guy who acted as CEDRIC DIGGORY in harry potter.
ding ding ding, got it?
i'm really encouraging you all to pick up this saga, if it sucks,
you can just burn my house down and give me a few tight slaps.
cheers! :)
p.s. rachel, i'm gonna storm into the london cinemas for this movie.
and you're coming with me (:
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